Originally published in 1973, this uninhibited story of Isadora Wing was a national sensation: fueling fantasies, igniting debates, and even introducing a notorious new phrase to the English language. In The New York Times, Henry Miller compared it to his own classic Tropic of Cancer, predicting, “This book will make literary history, that because of it women are going to find their own voice and give us great sagas of sex, life, joy, and adventure.” It went on to sell more than twelve million copies. Today, Fear of Flying is a classic—a timeless tale of self-discovery, liberation, and womanhood.
Gale Research
In a New York Times appraisal, novelist Henry Miller compares Fear of Flying to his own Tropic of Cancer–only “not as bitter and much funnier”–and predicts that “this book will make literary history, that because of it women are going to find their own voice and give us great sagas of sex, life, joy, and adventure.”
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