
15 reasons why you should Date a Nurse

Your crush is actually a nurse. We state prevent nursing that crush — pardon the pun — and get him/her around!

Here are 15 reasons to date a nurse:

1. Nurses are compassionate and patient, consequently they are usually fantastic listeners.

2. Nurses are super-smart. In case you are into both minds and beauty, your own time can deliver.

3. Sick of medical that hangover? Leave an actual nursing assistant work his/her feel-better secret.

4. Nurses have observed systems of all shapes and sizes — and witnessed every particular actual function possible. Your own insecurities and body quirks will likely leave the big date unfazed.

5. No waiting in-line. You’ll receive a fast medical diagnosis every time you feel according to the weather condition.

6. The consistent. It isn’t simply hot on Halloween. (interpretation: those scrubs just seem thus lovable and comfortable.)

7. Remarkable nervousness. Nurses stay relaxed and accumulated in pretty tense conditions. You intend to be online dating a nurse in times of disaster and chaos.

8. Nurses work long hours. When you wish a little alone time, a nursing assistant’s insane routine might fit you just great. (additionally, with peculiar hrs come peculiar time occasions.  Monday mid-day might become the new tuesday evening.)

9. Nurses make great future moms and dads. No force or anything.

10. You will be safe. Date a nurse and you also’ve got immediate access to CPR, protection advice and disease-prevention ideas.

11. Awesome “exactly how was every day?” stories. Nurses have limitless stories of patient and/or medical practitioner drama.

12. You’ll start to understand the medical jargon on your own preferred health dramas.

13. Nurses will like your innovative gestures. They give to other individuals non-stop and may typically feel unappreciated.

14. Nurses understand selflessness, among the key components to proper relationship.

15. The day conserves resides. That is brag-worthy.


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